Welcome to KOTA!

Welcome!! To Kids On The Air!
KOTA is a program built by the youth, for the youth. We specialize in finding ways to make amateur radio interesting, and easier to get into. Primarily dedicating our work to the youth, we provide the youth with a safe environment for them to connect with other young amateurs and radio enthusiasts, learn from each other, and our program.

The program in question, our Web-Based Curriculum Project provides a curated solution for the uninformed. Helping educate them about amateur radio from a no-knowledge-level with lessons that help the user understand what they can do with the hobby, to even learning and grasping content involved on their exam. Our primary objective with the KOTA Curriculum Project is curating to different learning forms and different countries/regions. It’s important that the youth have an interactive and engaging educational tool for amateur radio, rather than telling a kid about it, showing them a YouTube video and telling them to get their license.

After getting licensed, they can participate in our KOTALINK Multi-Mode Digital & VOiP system. This allows a platform for the youth to easily connect with other youth through the use of a hotspot, their phone, or alternative method of VOiP / Allstar link, where they can also participate in KOTA Youth nets.

To promote activity in HF, we set up a KOTA Activation category, similar to that of POTA or SOTA, whereas the token station is primarily a youth-operated club (such as a school) or youth individual. We also plan to create a program prompting the youth to engage in CW activity and learning. When all is said and done, we aim to go full force on an outreach program, to reach out in as many ways as possible to implement our curriculum program in schools, institutions, and of course, to the young demographic.

At Dayton HamVention, Me and 2 other Ambassadors from Team US will be attending and will be hosting a booth in the flea market decorated with a full color banner and equipment showing off what we run for KOTA-Link. We will be fundraising by selling 3D printed KOTA logos for $1 each to hopefully at least a thousand hams. This will help bring outreach and awareness of our project and hopefully bring more funding and contributors to our curriculum program.

We acquire online funding using secure payment platform Square, which we will also be utilizing Square card readers at Dayton to securely process EPayments for sales.

Our Projects & Offerings