KOTA-LINK is a multimode reflector running on Allstar created and maintained by Collin K0NNK on behalf of the KOTA american ambassadors. We have lots of modes and voip services linked up on our system.
The goal for this system is to expand youth nets and to have fellow youth radio operators to talk to one another regardless what mode they're using. The bottom of this page has a list of youth nets on our system!
About the System
The goal for this system is to expand youth nets and to have fellow youth radio operators to talk to one another regardless what mode they're using. The bottom of this page has a list of youth nets on our system!
Connection Methods
- Allstar: 57686 (bridge nodes are 580780/580782)
- Echolink: N0DYG-R #910079
- DMR (TGIF Network): TG 350
- YSF: KOTA-LINK #57686
- P25 Reflector # 65103
Skywarn Youth Net
The Skywarn Youth Net is a weekly Net (or on-air meeting). This Net provides valuable training for young amateur radio operators by helping them learn how to handle on-air traffic, by introducing them to different geographic locations and names here in the United States and throughout the world, and by encouraging awareness about basic weather facts and current and upcoming weather conditions.
This nets meets every Sunday 8:30 PM Eastern on a lot of local repeaters and KOTA-LINK.
YACHT Youth Net
Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team Y.A.C.H.T. is a club for young amateurs interested in communicating with other young hams, creating friendships and promoting the art of Ham Radio.
Join the YACHT Net Saturday 8PM Eastern, and YACHT Chat Sessions Mon-Fri 8PM Eastern on the * YACHT * Echolink server or KOTA-LINK.